Perks + Benefits
Welcome to your Perks + Benefits website! You'll have access to the most current information about your benefits, all in one place. Everything you may need regarding your benefit plan details, benefit costs and carrier contact information can be found here.
To see the most current benefit information, hover over “Getting Started”, “Your Health”, “Your Wealth” or “Your Perks”.
Quick Answers to Common Questions
Am I eligible for benefits?
You are eligible for benefits if you work an average of 30 or more hours per week.
When will my coverage take effect?
- New Hires: New hires are eligible on the date of hire.
- Open Enrollment: Changes made during Open Enrollment are effective January 1 – December 31.
How and when can I make changes to my benefits?
Due to IRS regulations, you cannot change your elections until the next annual Open Enrollment period, unless you have a qualified life event during the year. Following are examples of the most common qualified life events:
- Marriage or divorce
- Birth or adoption of a child
- Child reaching the maximum age limit
- Death of a spouse or child
- You lose coverage under your spouse’s plan
- You gain or lose access to state coverage under Medicaid or CHIP
In most cases, a change reason must be submitted in Workday within 30 days of the qualified life event - including newborns. Once the change reason is approved, you can change your benefit elections. For more information, please review this resource.
Is anyone else in my household eligible for my benefits?
Yes. A spouse, Registered Domestic Partner (RDP) or child under age 26 is eligible for benefits.
A Spouse is the person recognized as a legal spouse (husband or wife) under applicable law.
A Domestic Partner is a person with whom you share a residence and common domestic life without a legally recognized union.
Children include:
- Biological children, adopted children, or children placed in anticipation of adoption
- Step-children (if the parent remains married to the Employee)
- Domestic Partner’s children (if the parent remains a registered domestic partner)
- Foster children (only if legally responsible for the child’s heath care)
- If a covered Employee is the Legal Guardian of an unmarried child or children
- A child who reaches the age of 26 and is totally disabled
If you and your spouse both work for OneOncology, your dependent children can only be enrolled as a dependent under one plan

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